The input file size is 4562656 bytes. 00-03:ChunkID=RIFF 04-07: ChunkSize=4562648 08-11: Format=WAVE 12-15: SubChunk1ID=fmt 16-19: SubChunk1Size =16 20-21: Audio Format =1 , value 1 for PCM 22-23: NumChannels=2 24-27: SampleRate =44100 28-31: ByteRate =176400 32-33: BlockAlign=4 34-35: BitsPerSample=16 36-39: SubChunk2ID=sav1 40-43: SubChunk2Size =42 check1 : h.ChunkID=RIFF OK! check2 : h.FormatTag=WAVE OK! check3 : h.SubChunk1ID=fmt OK! check4 : h.AudioFormat=1 for PCM encoding OK! check5 : h.NumChannels*h.SampleRate*h.BitsPerSample/8 == h.ByteRate =176400 OK! check6 : h.NumChannels*h.BitsPerSample/8 == h.BlockAlign=4 OK! Current infile pos=44 Current infile pos=86 Current Current SubChunkNID=bext Current SubChunkNSize =642 Current infile pos=736 Current Current SubChunkNID=pad Current SubChunkNSize =16 Current infile pos=760 Current Current SubChunkNID=data Current SubChunkNSize =4561888 Current infile pos=768 wav data size = 4561888 ,audio time=25 The NHU05018165.wav parse result have save to wavParse2.txt ok!